IS THIS NORMAL? BECAUSE I THINK IM THE ONLY ONE...i cry myself to sleep.....its just that guys ask me out....but they break out with me when they see that hair thingy.
Anyways. I`m 13....Im a girl. Guys call me beautiful all the time...But then people come up to me and say....That i have a moustache! This is bugging me..Its really dark and not really noticeable unless your arm-width away from me...because when i was little i was playing with the shaver(bad-nono). I can't shave it, tweeze it, wax it, or anything?!?!?i want a homemade mom will think im crazyy...i don't think she'll understand..
other than that....i have a two piece bikini thingyy...that i wear to water parks....i never noticed that i had body hair until my friend brought it up...its everywhere..IM REALLY SCARED AND EMBARASSED. what do i do? is this normal? please answer the first question then this question..
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
First of all - it's generally normal. Explain your worries to your Mom or to a school counselor (if your Mom isn't easy to talk to about it). Make an appointment with a doctor to talk about this. There is most likely nothing wrong - so don't worry - even if there were to be a problem it wouldn't be anything they can't fix!
You can lighten it with some creme bleach - the kind specifically made for your face. Or you could use a process called sugaring - which is a little like waxing but a little more gentle.
This has been actually used in India for many years as well as threading which is another hair removal method. After awhile, it might make your hair growth less thick and less frequent. If you hold your skin taut and rip it out quick, it is less painful. Be careful not to burn yourself!
Sugaring Ingredients
1 cup sugar
Half a lemon for the juice
1/4 cup honey
A little bit of Molasses if you have any like a drizzle
Cornstarch (to powder with for tautness making it more effective)
Something to spread the mixture with like a tongue depressor, popsicle stick, cheese spreader or spatula.
Cotton fabric (any old thing you can find or buy some strips at a store)
Mix lemon, sugar, and honey in a bowl. Microwave on high for about 2-3 minutes, until it bubbles into a smooth consistency. I find this a lot simpler then turning on the stove, but it would be safer if you watched over the heat on the stove. If you use the stove use LOW heat. Now move away from the mixture and go do something while it cools a little down so you can touch it safely. A little bit warmer though is better though to use. Microwave it for 20 seconds if you find the need to.
Make sure your skin is clean and dry. Then dust area with cornstarch so it閳ユ獨 more effective as it draws out oil. Spread a thin layer on the area - try a small area and then work with larger areas if you feel like you can. Cover with a strip of fabric, and rubbing the strip the opposite way of hair growth, about 3 times.
Grab the fabric end and pull it off very quickly against the direction of the hair growth or the other way if you wish. It will hurt, but after awhile it閳ユ獨 a lot less painful. I閳ユ獡 sure you閳ユ獧e strong enough to withstand pain. Reheat the mix if it gets too hard to spread. This stores for a long time. You can use a plastic jar to store the mixture. Just make sure it's clean and oil free. You could also use a glass jar as well.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
Body hair is normal, Don't get to freaked out.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
gal, i guess u will have to wax it off periodically.........may be there's no other solution for this..........
usually the growth of hair is the character of a male that is due to the hormone testosterone.........testosterone in males is more.............and if the level of testosterone and estrogen are not balanced in ur body this happens.....its absolutely normal........nuthin to worry abt......just wax off...i guess thats the only solution............
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
I know you said that you can't use tweezers or anything but I think using a little pair of sissors would be your best bet. Yeah, it's normal, probably runs in your family.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
I would go get waxed on your lip and bikini line if you have hair on your legs you can just shave it. If you wax your lip you will have to go back at least every other week to get it done again. The bikini wax lasts a while and when it grows back it grows back lighter each time.
I DO NOT like any hair on me except on my head and my eyebrows lol so i swear by waxing its GREAT!
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
This is very normal and it just means that you are turning into a woman. I know you probably have heard that 50 times but it's true. Try using a teeny but of bleach and applying it with a makeup brush or even a paintbrush, making sure that you don't get ANY into your mouth, on your eyes, or like up your nose. I know my nickname says I'm a guy, but that's because my brother put his name there as a joke, so I really do know what you are going through. By the way, make sure you wash off the bleach with water (especially if it stings!!!!) otherwise you'll be waaaaay sorry.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
Since you're probably in puberty right now it's normal for the body to grow hair. Crying yourself to sleep is not fun. I'm sorry that guys break up with you because of what's outside they're jerks so don't take much notice!
I'm sure you are beautiful! Some people take notice of little flaws and expand them to make you feel bad. Try taking some vasiline on it and gently take the hairs out with tweezers. If your Mom doesn't understand then explain a little more carefully to her. Tell her how you feel when kids say you have a "moustache".
If you're that embarassed then get a one piece swimsuit. When you're swimming don't even think about your body; just think about having fun with your friends! You shouldn't be scared or embarassed because this is very normal for girls like you. Don't worry and just SMILE!
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
Well, you know what, I think your mom just might understand.
She was a teen once, too! Really!
Look...body hair is normal...mustache, leg hair, arm hair, armpit hair...."all of the above" hair. Just talk to your mom about it or just go to a local Walgreens/CVS/Walmart/Target
and buy some razors. Don't be scared of them! If you have any siblings they may be able to help you out, too.
Good luck!
P.S. People who can't look through skin or hair aren't good marriage material anyways! It's always the inside that counts!
People who think otherwise are just plain old jerks.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
Body hair is normal don't freak out. Some girls just have more of it (including myself.) If you're really THAT self-conscious about it ask your mom if u can start shaving your legs or waxing (belive me it's painful though not to bad though.) Also if your moustache really annoys you ask your mom if you can get that waxed too or you can get it dyed so it's less noticeable and blends with your skin.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
Hey listen some of the most beautiful girls in the world are hairy. But i would not worry yourself you are still quite young and you will find some guys like that type of thing. Here in Europe many guys like women to have bodily hair. As regards facial hair my wife tells me that when you get older electrolysis will permanently remove hair of this type.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
I would try the facial bleaching cream if it is that bad.It is part of your dna makeup,so you will have to try and deal with it the best way you can.I know you don't want to shave,tweeze,or wax it,but these things besides bleaching cream are the only options.Electrolysis but you are too young.Sorry dear just try to cope.Best of luck!
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
calm down. i used to have the same problem! its no biggy. i just let my parents know how i felt and that people weren't treating me the same because of it. We talked it over and i got it waxed. i do this about once a month. but when it starts getting darker again before my next wax, a small bit of nair will do the trick! it smells but its definitely worth it. and as for the hair, everybody has it. its completly normal!
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
there is laser hair removal, which is more expensive, but will permanently remove any hair you are uncomfortable with, so thats something to look into
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
this is normal because i am a girl and im thirteen and i have a mustache and body hair too it is even on my stomach and on my back! dont be sad about this because a lot of people have it and you shouldnt feel sad about this instead you should love your self and how pretty you are and the best things about you. i would tell you to wax it but if you dont want to do that i don't really know what else to tell you except that you could try bleaching it. i don't have a homemade recipe im sorry but i dont think there is one. you should really try talking to your mother i know it is hard but one day i got the courage to ask my mom if i could wax it and she said yes if you find it too hard to talk to her write her a letter telling her how the hair makes you feel body conscious or not pretty and how you reallly want her to understand you about your problem.
you say that you are scared and embarassed when you wear your bikini thing so just wear a one piece bathing suit or a tankini that hides more skin than a bikini would. also you should tell your friend that the coment she made about your body hair made you sad and that you want her to apologize. or next time don't take your friend to the water park.
try not to worry about what other people think if i always worried about what other people thought i would be a nervous wreck. also u can always get laser hair treatment when you reach age 16.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
OMG That happened to me and my mom is gonna wax it off.
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
It's very common at puberty. If you have enough male hormones you get body hair and moustache growth. Sometimes your male hormones take effect before your female hormones, so you may yet lose some of the hair as your female hormone levels rise.
Ask your mother to help you out on this one. And by the way, shaving does NOT increase the growth (check with any dermatologist and they'll confirm that)
I have a moustache and body hair! I`m a girl...people tell me im pretty. just if i didn't have a moustache ):
just SHAVE, not that hard. that is just gross no offense
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