Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm too young to have white hair!! what do i do???it's only one piece?

well it usual because of stress so if it keeps happenin then try something new that doesnt stress u out as much and well just try removin it like pluckin it but its nothin 2 worry about

I'm too young to have white hair!! what do i do???it's only one piece?

pluck it out

I'm too young to have white hair!! what do i do???it's only one piece?

it mean you are going to have good luck

I'm too young to have white hair!! what do i do???it's only one piece?

too young???? My nephew got his first white hair at the age of 3!! my brother at 12 and I got mine at the age of 19......... ... If it's only one, don't worry about it..... just get some hair color it'll be alright.

I'm too young to have white hair!! what do i do???it's only one piece?

pluck it out!

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