Saturday, June 19, 2010

I saw one scene of this sci-fi movie when I was a kid. The hero was saved by a hair pin. What movie

I saw just one scene towards the end of this movie and the main guy had smuggled the girl on board. Something was wrong with the ship and he needed to put a small piece of metal into the control pannel. The lady pulled a hairpin out of her hair and the main guy asked over the radio if the hair pin would work. They said where did you get a hairpin in space?

That is all I remember. I grew up thinking it was Star Wars, but I have since seen all the movies many times, and it was obviously not that. Can anyone help me?

I saw one scene of this sci-fi movie when I was a kid. The hero was saved by a hair pin. What movie is this?

Airplane II. The pilot was Robert Hayes and the guy on the ground talking to him over the radio was William Shatner. he was flying an out-of-control lunar shuttle.

Both Airplane movies are parodies of several 70's airline disaster movies.

I saw one scene of this sci-fi movie when I was a kid. The hero was saved by a hair pin. What movie is this?

maybe spaceballs with rick moranis (sp??)

I saw one scene of this sci-fi movie when I was a kid. The hero was saved by a hair pin. What movie is this?

That was so NOT Star Wars. It wasn't even a true sci fi film. It was Airplane II: The Sequel. A very funny movie, even it it wasn't made by the same guys that did Airplane!.

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