Saturday, June 19, 2010

Would you be embarrassed?

to own real animal fur? I was watching cribs and they would be like " This is genuine fox" or whatever and I kept getting embarrassed (you know how you get embarrassed for people sometimes so bad that you want to hide behind a pillow? well, like that). I've never even thought about until I kept thinking how awful I would feel to admit I owned dead animal hair pieces... Anybody else feel that way?

Would you be embarrassed?

You're sweet! I would never ever own anything made of real fur! It goes against my moral beliefs. Once, my friend was wearing a fur coat and I asked her if it was real, and she very proudly said, yes, fox. And I told her that I'm against that.

Would you be embarrassed?


Would you be embarrassed?

I am offended by people that hunt animals for there fur. I do everything I can to NOT encourage that sort of thing in our culture. The only fur I have are the ones on my tarantulas molted skin :P

Would you be embarrassed?

i wouldnt have the chance to be embarressed as i would never in a million years buy wear or own any real animal fur whatsoever, i dont find being clothed in "i am animal murdering promoting scum bag" appealing, whatsoever, and yeah i know what you mean, it makes me cringe!

Would you be embarrassed?

I'm not militant PETA, but I think it is disgusting to wear a coat of animal fur that is bred ONLY for fur. Now I think it MAKES SENSE to wear cow or sheep leather, because their meat is used. Using their skin for clothing is making less waste and putting it to good use. However, chinchilla, which are sooo cute and make such sweet pets, and rabit-the same, even though they CAN be eaten, I doubt that the ones that they make fur coats out of ARE...

I hope I'm making sense. I'm operating on very little sleep... again.

Would you be embarrassed?

nothing could possibly be more elegant than an animal corpse on a baby crib. ew

Would you be embarrassed?

Yeah I know! People are like I'm wearing a chinchilla vest, so freakin what! Do you know how many animals die each year just so people can look fashionable? The only place wearing fur is acceptable in my book is Russia in winter months!

To all you fur wearing doofus' stink!

Would you be embarrassed?

I hate those people with a PASSION; it is horrible and needs to stop. I am just so grateful that there are other people in this world, who feel the same...spread the love and save the animals!

Would you be embarrassed?

i would never ever purchase real fur products ... so i wouldn't have a chance to feel embarrassed,if i did - it would be more ashamed. that is despicable.

Would you be embarrassed?

well my grandma had furry i keep it as memory on her...she died long before all those anti-fur campaignes...I'm not wearing it...

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