Saturday, June 19, 2010

Will my larggggge nose.... ?

I have a large nose, I suppose the rest of my face compliments it because I am NOT ugly though. I have a nice, pretty foreheard and I was wondering would bangs (NOT A BLUNT CUT) that are like almost hilary duff-ish go with me? enough so you could sweep some of it to the side and like my hair pieces are seperate from one another. does a pretty forehead (pretty prominant) and a big nose look good with bangs (not blunt)

Will my larggggge nose.... ?

avoid any hair style that vee's above your nose this will draw attention to it just get styles that draw attention to your forehead and hair itself.~~

Will my larggggge nose.... ?

Well, Haylie Duff has a large nose, and she pulls of bangs really nicely! I think that as long as the bangs are either shorter than, or longer than your nose, it should work out great.

Will my larggggge nose.... ?

honestly can't say girl, but if u cld post a pic then it'd be easier for us pple to give u advice.

Will my larggggge nose.... ?

hummm....I think bangs will just focus the nose

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