Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hair for picture day/straightening help!?

Alright, so, I use a Vidal Sasson straightener or whatever and it goes up to 20 with gold plates. It was about 30 bucks and I know its cheap but, everytime I use it, I use Brunette Expressions 'Runway Sleek Straight' straightening creme or something and it doesnt do a good job. I need help on how to make my curly hair sleek straight without any frizz and no dry/brittleness to it. Any ideas? Plus, I have side bangs that are really dry and stick out a bit cause I use my straightener on them, any tips on how to get really nice side bangs that are straight and not dry and brittle and get a nice hold, cause I seem to have cut a piece a bit too short and it always moves to my forehead and doesnt seem to stay on the side. AND, I have spring pictures tomorrow. Im wearing a black %26amp; white polka dot top, short sleeve, with a waist-belt. Any ideas on how to wear my hair nicely that doesnt take a long time to do? (By the way, my hair is just a little past my shoulders in layers.)

Hair for picture day/straightening help!?

i have a straightener by andis, and it was only 12 dollars at walmart and it does a better job than any expensive one i've found. get a leave in smoothing balm, put it in, then straighten your hair, then get a shine and smooth serum to lightly smooth over your hair afterwords to get rid of flyaways.

Hair for picture day/straightening help!?

ok well i have a chi straightening iron, but if u want it smooth here is what i do and it looks great. If you have any silk therapy stuff this is a big help for keeping it looking shiny ad smooth. Take a shower, pat hair dont rub hair, just pat or squeeze to get al the water out. Then just wait until it air dries. You can use a blow dryer for a little bit but i would let them air dry which could take awhile so if u need to go somewhere quick, but let it airdry and put that silk stuff in when your hair is moist. When it is compltetly dry and feeling fresh, striahgten it and then brush and run your fingers through ur hair upside down. for a cute look for pictures, put your hair in curlers the night beofre and spray literally once lightly all around. Then in the morning take them out and again spray lightly, and maybe put in a cute head band, that woudl look way fab!!

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